Inter Divisional Quiz Championship Batch 01/2018

Inter Divisional Quiz Championship Batch 01/2018  

The Inter Divisional Quiz Championship “INQUISITIVE” for the batch 01/2018 was held at INS Chilka on 28 March 2018. Teams comprising three trainees each, from all ten divisions of Chilka, participated in the competition. The quiz “INQUISITIVE” is conducted for every batch to carry out a brief assessment of their general knowledge and to motivate trainees to keep themselves updated with current affairs. The participating trainees from Ashok division impressed the audience by winning the tie breaker from Akbar division and were declared the winner of the “INQUISITIVE”.

Inter Divisional Quiz Championship Batch 01/2018

Commodore Manish Misra, Commanding Officer INS Chilka awarded the book prizes to the winner and runner up divisions.

Inter Divisional Quiz Championship Batch 01/2018

Inter Divisional Quiz Championship Batch 01/2018

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